Brother Machine Accessories
Brother 5" x 7" Embroidery Hoop with Camera Positioning Strips - SA439S

Brother 5" x 7" Embroidery Hoop with Camera Positioning Strips - SA439S


Expand your Stellaire embroidery hoop collection with this 5-in x 7-in embroidery hoop with the camera positioning strips pre-applied. Ideal for medium sized designs, use your hoop with your mobile device and the My Design Snap Mobile App, perfectly place your design where you want it every time. Snap a picture of the embroidery area, preview on screen and start embroidering!

Brother 5" x 7" Embroidery Hoop with Camera Positioning Strips is designed for use with: Stellaire XJ1, XJ2, XE1, XE2

This hoop will also work on: 

DreamCreator XE VM5100, DreamMaker XE VE2200, DreamWeaver XE VM6200D, Duetta 2 4750D, Duetta 4500D, Innov-ís  NS1250E,1500D, NQ1700E, NS1850D, 2500D, 2800D, NS2850D, 4000D, NQ1400E, NQ1600E, NQ1700E, NQ3500D, NQ3550W, NQ3700D, Isodore Innov-ís 5000, PE900, SE2000, Quattro 2 6700D, 6750D, NV6000D, THE Dream Machine XV8550D, Innov-ís XV8500D, VE2300, VM5200, Stellaire XE1, XE2, XJ1, XJ2, Lumuniare XP1, XP2, XP3, Aveneer EV1, all newer Brother embroidery machine models

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