Beginner Sewing Classes
Victor - Embroidery 101 (4.16.25)

Victor - Embroidery 101 (4.16.25)


Stumped by the idea of an embroidery machine or do you just need a refresher on embroidering? Join us for this Embroidery 101 class, where we will go over the must know basics for machine embroidery!  We will cover:

  • stabilizing for the best results
  • thread types and uses
  • hooping, and so much more! 

This class is not embroidery machine specific and is open to everyone!  This class is formatted in an easy lecture demo style (no need to bring your machine). Bring your notebooks and questions and get ready to conquer your fear of machine embroidery. (Formally known as "New to Embroidery")

Instructor - Shelley

Fee- $24.00

One, 3-hour class
Wednesday, April 16th
10:00am - 1:00pm


Listing of Class Supplies will be shared via e-mailed to each student upon class registration.  If you have questions, please CALL Aurora Sewing Center at the store location you are attending the class at. 

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