Victor - Scrappy Do-Da Days Tape Project (3.24.25)

Victor - Scrappy Do-Da Days Tape Project (3.24.25)


Let me introduce you to this new product that can tame your scrap pile. Scrap tape by the Gypsy quilter comes in various sizes. We will be using the 5” wide scrap tape to create new fabric that can be used in your quilts. No scraps no problem fat quarters can also be used for this class.

Instructor - Shelley

$24.00 Fee

One, 6-hour class
Monday, March 24
10:00am - 1:00pm


Listing of Class Supplies will be shared via e-mailed to each student upon class registration.  If you have questions, please CALL Aurora Sewing Center at the store location you are attending the class at. 

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